Hydraulic Nuts & Bolt Tensioners

Hydraulic Nuts & Bolt Tensioners

Hydraulic Nuts or bolt tensioners are devices that are essentially used in steel and rolling mills to hold the blocks of the rolling mill together. They serve the same application as regular or conventional nuts but provide superior hold over. The design also allows the hydraulic nut to absorb shocks and tensile forces generated by the rolling block. 

The hydraulic nut or bolt tensioners consists of a nut, a cylinder block and a threaded piston that connects the cylinder block and the nut. The primary function of a hydraulic nut or bolt tensioner is to provide a firm grip. The base of the cylinder is mounted on the surface to be clamped. The oil is pressurised through piston on to cylinder, so that the cylinder applies a  compressive force on the surface to clamped. The cylinder is pressurised against the spring to provide the necessary clamping force. The nut provided above the piston, provides a locking mechanism for the clamp to secure the cylinder in its place. When the nut  needs to be unclamped, the oil is further pressurised on the cylinder against spring which creates a gap for the nut to be loosened. We have also designed the bolt tensioner in way that it absorbs the shocks and tensile forces generated by the roller blocks. 

We have designed this hydraulic nut or bolt tensioner for a specific application to be used in steel and rolling mills for bolting roll blocks that require a greater torque and pressure than conventional nuts. They are of global standards and economical replacements of almost all major global brands.


Product Features

  1. Superior hold over conventional clamping techniques
  2. Economical model for replacement for global brands
  3. Efficient and easy operation for maintenance purpose
  4. Recommended replacement part for global mill makes like Danieli Morgardshammar rolling mills, Morgan Worcester mills, Rana Udyog mills

Technical Featrures


Rod Size (mm)

Tonnage (KN)

Operating Pressure (bar) 

Test Pressure (bar)








